it has been one heck of a week!!!
I moved back in with my mom on monday and thats the same day my hot wigs craving kicked inn full throttle......and my weekend is packed friday (today) i went out with ala ad lynette to my two week check up and then we went out to dinner that was fun the took me somewhere I had never been before!!!! stone ground I think it was called and then you would have thought alan was pregnant he started craving ice cream I had to laugh but we went to baskin robins and got ice cream and after that we went to 'a chorus line' at the pioneer threatre at the U oh and o wednesday I think it was my sisters boyfriend gave her a kitten and she somehow managed to covince my dad to let us keep took about 2 days to decide on a name his name is now 'Amethyst' he is a long haired siamese cat really pretty the only bad thig is he reminds me of my kitten 'lil' lucky I lost him to mental retardation that led him out to get hit by a truck I swear that was the worst day of my life seeing my dad brig him home in a nunventalated box because he was already gone.... but ayways I am ow almost 32 weeks technichally I am 31 and 5 days but close enough and I am small for being 8 months people are always saying it and when they see me they think I am only 6 months its kind of funny